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4 Questions to Ask to Experience More Happiness

Our daily activities can bring us joy, happiness, and fulfillment if we are clear on it purposes on why we engage into those activities. Below are 4 questions you want to ask yourself to help you experience more joy and happiness in your daily activities.

1. How is your activity helping you learn more about yourself?

One of the best ways to learn more about yourself is through your daily activities. For example, when you are washing your dishes, give 100% focus to washing the dishes, and pay attention to how you wash the dishes, so you can learn your behavior patterns. The behavior patterns that you use to wash the dishes can also help you in other life areas as well. It is just that your behavior patterns from washing the dishes will be applied slightly differently for your other daily activities. Every activity will help you to learn more about yourself, if not a lot, then little. When you approach your daily activity as a learning opportunity to understand yourself, you will start to enjoy your daily activity more when you do them.

2. How is your activity helping you become a better person?

You want to be clear on how your daily activities help you become a better person. For example, if you are eating, how is your eating habit helps you become a better person? Does your food intake nourish your body to give you energy and strength to become more productive in life? Are the things you do at your job helping you become a better person by learning new knowledge and skills? Even though what you do in your job might not be as enjoyable, but there is always something from your work that can help you learn more about yourself to become a better person. You want to take some time to reflect and see how your activities help you become a better person so you can experience more joy and happiness out of them.

3. How is your activity directly or indirectly helping you to reach your goals and dreams?

To achieve your goal successfully, it comes from your daily activities and habits. So, ask yourself how are your daily activities helping you directly or indirectly to achieve your goals and dreams? For example, if you have a goal to publish a book. So, one of your daily activities would be to write your book. Writing your book daily is an activity that is directly related to helping you achieve your goal. However, let’s say exercising is your daily activity. You want to see how exercising helps you to get closer to achieving your goal. For example, when you exercise, it helps you to gain more energy and focus by decreasing your stress. When your mind is productive because your stress level is low, you would have a better chance of writing your book successfully compared to when your mind is stressed out. In this case, exercising is indirectly related to helping you to achieve your goals. When you can see a clear connection on how your daily activities help you achieve your goals, you would experience more joy and happiness when you engage in your daily activities.

4. How if your activity directly or indirectly help me create life meaning and purpose?

You want to be clear on how your daily activities support you in creating life meaning and purpose. As a human being, one of the great experiences you want to experience is meaning and purpose. For example, when it comes to eating healthy, it can support you in creating life meaning and purpose. Life meaning and purpose are about using your strength and talent to help yourself and others. However, in order to have the motivation to use your strengths and talents to help yourself and others, you would need good health because it takes a lot of energy and strength to help others successfully. So, eating healthy is indirectly related to helping you to create life meaning and purpose. When you can see and understand that your daily activities help you create life meaning and purpose, you will experience joy and happiness daily, and that is one of the great experiences you can ever experience in life.

If any of your daily activities are not helping you to learn more about yourself, become a better person, help you achieve your goals and dreams, or help you create life meaning and purpose, then you want to self-reflect if you should be doing those activities daily or not. It is the things that we do daily that bring us more joy and happiness, and not the things we do occasionally.


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